
June 9, 2012

Painting with Cups

Another fun project we did this year was painting using cups.

I initially asked what were cups for. Nobody guessed it was for painting and then I asked if we could use cups to paint. The answers were varied and one student said we could do like stamps.

I set it up by putting paint on plastic plates and paper cups in them (recycled from a b-day party).
The size of the plates was really ideal for the cups.

We used 5 colors voted by the group. I started by placing a paper under each plate and cup. Then the children could choose a color to start.

 The students began using one color and when they were happy with the results they could go to another color. The paper plates stayed in the same place. The students moved to the color they wanted taking their paper with them.

 They could use as many colors as they wanted until they were happy with their painting.

It is better to use cardboard paper as it is harder making it easier for the children to carry it from one color to the other.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that creates a fantastic effect!! I feel like you would pay a lot of money for one of those at an art gallery xD
